
From Daphne Keller (Stanford) on the Tiktok Case

I've long much appreciated Keller's analyses, so I thought I'd pass along this one about today's TikTok decision; I disagree with parts… The post From Daphne Keller...

Friday Open Thread

What's on your mind?

Can a School Require Students to Learn about Sexuality and “Cisnormativity” Over Parents’ Religious Objection?

In granting Mahmoud v. Taylor, the Supreme Court has agreed to consider this question.

Biden Attempts To Ratify the Equal Rights Amendment by Blog Post

Biden announced today that the Equal Rights Amendment is the "law of the land," but the Justice Department and the national archivist disagree.

Biden’s Dubious Declaration that the Equal Rights Amendment has Been Duly Ratified

I support the ERA. But Biden's claim that it has been properly ratified goes against court decisions, and is almost certainly wrong.

